Thursday, May 15, 2014

Breaking The Vicious Cycle

The Venus Factor by diet and nutrition guru John Barban is a system specially designed to help women lose weight. It is based on Barban’s approach of a balanced exercise and nutrition system that takes into account the unique requirements of the female body type.

Gastric bypass procedure is a surgery designed to make the stomach smaller so that patients will take in foods in smaller amounts and thus, slim down. It has been reported that such procedure decreased the mortality rate of obese people up to 40% however some 2% have died of complications and post surgery problems. Gastric bypass diet is then strictly observed after the surgery since the stomach is not the same as it used to be and can only hold up limited amount of solids and liquids. Avoid; Junk food, Fast food, and processed foods. You will be able to eat these foods again on your cheat days.

Herbs such as turmeric, ginger and black pepper are also great and allow for the stimulation of the thyroid gland. Some of the aforementioned foods are also rich in iron, which is helpful when trying to regulate thyroid levels in the body. Also, coconut oil is beneficial for patients suffering from hypothyroidism because it has a stimulating effect on the thyroid glands. Also, coconut oil has medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) that increase the rate of metabolism, and help in weight loss. It is very essential to keep in mind the foods that one should not eat if suffering from hypothyroidism. Here's a list of foods you should NOT

If the body is getting all the essential nutrients regularly, it will certainly be fit. It would be away from infections and diseases, which in turn will promote healthy body growth and maintenance. A balanced diet should especially be implemented in the routine of a growing child or a teenager. Plus, you would be able to easily perform physical tasks without any exertion on the body. Because the ingredients have been selected with this chemical reaction in mind, dieters are advised against substituting other foods and also to follow the order in which the ingredients are meant to be consumed.


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