Friday, May 16, 2014

The Deal With Diets

Unfortunately, diet soda is more in vogue than ever. Kids consume the stuff at more than double the rate of last decade, according to research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Among adults, consumption has grown almost 25%. Dr. Fuhrman coined the word, Nutritarian to describe his recommended diet which concentrates on eating the most micronutrient rich foods.

Don't be afraid of responsibility. Responsibility can beliberating. If it's your fault, then chances are you can fix it. Ifit's not your fault, then you probably can't. Would you really preferthat a problem be insoluble than have to work to fix it? And yes,thinking makes it so. I hope no one will consider it blasphemous that I apply thisreligious principle to profaner matters such as weight loss, because Ithink it's based on a profound and useful psychological insight, andit's with great respect that I repurpose it here. The title and some key ideas from this section were lifted from a NewYork Times Magazine Article What about diet bars?

Finally, in a notable blow to some interpretations of the Paleo diet, Katz and Meller wrote, "if Paleolithic eating is loosely interpreted to mean a diet based mostly on meat, no meaningful interpretation of health effects is possible." They note that the composition of most meat in today's food supply is not similar to that of mammoth meat, and that most plants available during the Stone Age are today extinct. (Though it wouldn't surprise me to learn that Paleo extremists are crowd-funding a Jurassic Park style experiment to bring them back.)

I also tried it out on my 15 year old daughter who has a terrible habit of snacking on junk food before she goes to bed. She is not really overweight by any means but I would like to help her from developing weight issues when she gets older. A few days ago she wanted to eat some cookies an hour after we had dinner with dessert and I said OK you can have as many cookies as you like but I want you to take a tablespoon of ELOO first and if you still want the cookies after an hour has passed, you can.


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